Deformin’ in the Rain: How (and Why) to Break a Classic Film


作者:Jason Mittell, Middlebury College

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number1,

数字源材料,如电影,可以转化为数字人文研究的创新路径:计算处理声音和图像,以创造新的视听制品,其洞察力可能通过其审美力量和变革性的陌生感揭示出来。在马克·桑普尔(Mark Sample)称之为“畸形的人文”的数字人文实践的压力下,本文将一部电影置于一系列的变形之中:经典音乐剧《雨中曲》(Singin’in the Rain)。本文梳理了20多种原始的视听变形,包括静态图像、GIF和视频格式,考虑了每一个新版本对电影(以及更广泛的电影)的揭示,以及我们如何将算法实践创造的衍生美学对象作为一种变形的人文科学的产物。



Jason Mittell 

Jason Mittell is Professor of Film & Media Culture and American Studies, and co-founder of the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative at Middlebury College. His books include Complex Television: The Poetics of Contemporary Television Storytelling (NYU Press, 2015), The Videographic Essay: Practice & Pedagogy (with Christian Keathley & Catherine Grant,, and How to Watch Television (co-edited with Ethan Thompson; NYU Press, 2013; revised edition 2020). He is project manager for [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies and co-director of the NEH-supported workshop series Scholarship in Sound & Image.
