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- 专题荐读 | 口述历史与数字人文研究
- 平台介绍 | 识典古籍来啦!
- 永明体到近体句内声调对立规则的嬗变 ——以“蜂腰”与“二四异声”为代表
- 人民日报海外版|从图书馆“搬”到网络平台 数字技术让古籍“触手可及”(转载)
- 《数字人文》顾问、著名文史专家程毅中先生逝世,享年94岁 | 沉痛悼念
- 聚焦两会 | 致公党中央:建议布局一批数字人文研究中心 推进新文科建设
- 专题荐读 | 联觉(Synesthesia)与数字人文研究
- 喜报:来自世界顶尖大学的通知!
- 研究进展 | 北大数字人文中心两篇长文被LREC-COLING 2024录用
- 声律智能化在辨音、校雠和辅助创作上的应用 ——以“搜韵网”为例
- 会议通知(第一轮) | “数字摇篮本:当代电子书的功能、结构与形式景观”学术研讨会
- 招募启事 | 北大数字人文中心招募网站开发实习生
- 2 Doktorand:innenstellen in Graz
- Konversationen im digitalen Raum: Eine Analyse der DHd 2024 auf Mastodon
- Café con Alejandro Benito-Santos. 9 de abril de 2024
- Call for Abstracts: From Global to Local? Digitale Methoden in den Geisteswissenschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum: ein Triptychon (Deadline 14.05.2024)
- Reisekostenstipendien des DHd-Verbands für DH-nahe Tagungen (Sommer 2024)
- Ausschreibung zum DHd Early Career Mentoring Programm 2024-25
- Zum Stand der Forschungsdaten in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften
- Virtual Workshop: AI and Labor
- Sloane Lab and HDSM Darmstadt Seminar Series 2024: Critical and creative engagement with historical data
- First Call for Papers: 4th Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (CPSS 2024)
- OSCARS launches its 1st Open Call for Open Science projects and services
- Job Openings for Humanities Graduate Students
- Gamer Trouble: A Review
- An Annotated Multilingual Dataset to Study Modality in the Gospels
- From Tube Top to Dupatta, Which Feminism Is Mine?
- Retractions in arts and humanities: an analysis of the retraction notices
- Building an Interface as an Argument? The Case Study of Untangling the Cordel
- Digital assemblages with AI for creative interpretation of short stories
- It Matters to the Viewer: Social Reviews of Books Adapted for Film
- Fingerprints of British Book History: A Feminist Labor History of EEBO
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