German Narratives in International Television Format Adaptations: Comparing Du und Ich (ZDF 2002) with Un Gars, Une Fille (Quebec 1997-2002)

本文从跨文化的角度比较了魁北克速写喜剧/情景喜剧系列剧《一个男孩和一个女孩》(Un Gars, Une Fille)的德国翻拍版与原版,方法是关联Adobe Premiere Pro注释功能中关于叙事片段持续时间的定量数据,并将这些数据纳入对家庭冲突的解释中管理策略、性别角色和婆婆与30多岁年轻夫妇之间的冲突。

作者:Edward Larkey, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number 1,

本文从跨文化的角度比较了魁北克速写喜剧/情景喜剧系列剧《一个男孩和一个女孩》(Un Gars, Une Fille)的德国翻拍版与原版,方法是关联Adobe Premiere Pro注释功能中关于叙事片段持续时间的定量数据,并将这些数据纳入对家庭冲突的解释中管理策略、性别角色和婆婆与30多岁年轻夫妇之间的冲突。


Edward Larkey 

Edward Larkey received his MA in Modern German Literature from the Universität Marburg in 1978 and his Dr. Phil in Cultural Studies (Kulturwissenschaft) from the Humboldt-Universität Berlin in 1986. He was Professor of German Studies and Intercultural Communication at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (USA) until 2020 and is currently Professor Emeritus. He is the author of Pungent Sounds: Constructing Identity with Popular Music in Austria (Peter Lang 1993) and Rotes Rockradio: Populäre Musik und die Kommerzialisierung des DDR-Rundfunks (LIT-Verlag 2007) and many articles in English and German on transnational issues in German language popular music. His more recent work is devoted to comparing transnational television format adaptations and developing culturally critical methodologies of cross-cultural comparison. These incorporate computer annotation and visualization software toward developing a multimodal methodology for cross-cultural comparisons of different versions of television format adaptations.
