Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering in a Digital History Lab


作者:Andreas Fickers , University of Luxembourg
Tim van der Heijden , University of Luxembourg

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2020:14.3,



Andreas Fickers 

Andreas Fickers is the director of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) and head of the DH-Lab. He studied history, philosophy and sociology and is currently Professor for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg. He’s head of the FNR funded Doctoral Training Unit “Digital History & Hermeneutics” (DTU) and coordinates the Trinational doctoral school together with Prof. Dr Dietmar Hüser (Universität des Saarlandes) and Prof. Dr Hélène Miard-Delacroix (Université Paris-Sorbonne). He’s also prinicipal investigator of the Impresso project and was co-editor of VIEW, the Journal of European Television History and Culture. He’s currently the Luxembourg national coordinator of DARIAH-EU and member of the joint research board of Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA).

Tim van der Heijden 

Tim van der Heijden is a post-doctoral researcher at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) of the University of Luxembourg. He holds a PhD in Media History from Maastricht University and a research master’s degree in Media Studies with distinction from the University of Amsterdam. Between 2017 and 2019, he worked as a coordinating post-doc of the FNR funded Doctoral Training Unit “Digital History and Hermeneutics” (DTU). He is currently a researcher within the project “Doing Experimental Media Archaeology” (DEMA), which explores the heuristic potential of hands-on experimentation with analogue media technologies as a practical and sensorial approach to media historiography.
