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A Companion to Digital Humanities

 作者 Author: Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, John Unsworth  分类 Category: 导论 Introduction  出版社 Publisher: Blackwell  出版时间 Date: 2008  ISBN: 9781405168069  页码 Pages: 640  国家/地区 Site: Britain  语言 Language: 英语  Tags: 数字人文 |
 介绍 About:

本书作者群,皆曾参与过去半世纪数位人文的发展,试图透过本书记录数位人文的历史轨迹。从这些文章中点出数位人文未来的方向,和最根本的研究模式和方法。同时,带领读者聚焦在最重要的议题上,以及运用电脑所产生新议题的讨论。跨领域的数位人文所关注的主要议题也出现在本书中。最明显的例子就是具知识表征的文物(或器物),从人文学者提供的资料,经由电脑运算,呈现人类在电脑辅助下才能取得的分析 模型或关联性资讯的机会。而这个分析的过程,对于人文研究来说是一个新的探索过程,而与过去人文研究相比,是新崛起且具影响力的研究模式。

This Companion offers a thorough, concise overview of the emerging field of humanities computing. Contains 37 original articles written by leaders in the field. Addresses the central concerns shared by those interested in the subject. Major sections focus on the experience of particular disciplines in applying computational methods to research problems; the basic principles of humanities computing; specific applications and methods; and production, dissemination and archiving. Accompanied by a website featuring supplementary materials, standard readings in the field and essays to be included in future editions of the Companion.
