Afrofuturist Intellectual Mixtapes: A Classroom Case Study



Tyechia L. Thompson, Virginia Tech
Dashiel Carrera, Virginia Tech

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number1,

本文是一个视听数字人文模块智能混音带项目的课堂案例研究。智能混音带使用爵士乐和嘻哈作为框架来创建音频编辑和“对话”,对文学音频文本进行采样(例如 SunRa 演讲、Octavia Butler 采访、Tracy K. Smith 的诗歌朗读等)。智能混音带的每首曲目都有三个音频:1) 教学大纲中的文学音频文本,2) 学生用自己的话表达的声音,以及 3) 学生选择的音频。作为每首曲目的伴奏,学生们写下 500 字的课堂笔记,其中必须包括曲目的标题以及他们的策展和混音决定。


Tyechia L. Thompson 

Tyechia L. Thompson is an Assistant Professor in the English Department at Virginia Tech. Her areas of interest are African American Literature and Digital Humanities.

Dashiel Carrera 

Dashiel Carrera is a writer, musician, researcher, and media artist. He received his BA from Brown University where he studied Literary Arts and Computer Science and is currently an MFA candidate in Fiction at Virginia Tech. His first novel, The Deer, is forthcoming from Dalkey Archive Press in October 2021.
