贵族制的坚实力量深深植根于东晋的官员铨选程序之中。宫崎市定深入研究的九品官人法依据门第将人才分为九品,使得高门望族得以独占显要官位。[14]这一制度为门阀贵族带来了优势:毛汉光通过对两晋南北朝(265—589)4,137位官员的统计分析,发现他们中的大约70%出自士族,20%出自小姓,仅有10%出身于寒素。[15]除了制度基础以外,唐长孺指出,门阀贵族也作为荫庇大量的客和部曲的大地主享有经济特权。[16]就文化声望而言,余英时主张:“魏晋南北朝则尤可视为家族为本位之儒学之光大时代,盖应门第社会之实际需要而然耳。”[17]陆威仪(Mark Edward Lewis)认为,门阀贵族将自己包裹在“一种精致的哲学空寂、隐士之名和文学造诣”之中,作为“真正的贵族”的标志。[18]
Solidity in a Turbulent Flow: The Social Network of Aristocratic Families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420 C.E.)
Shang Wenyi, Sang Zizhou
Abstract: Historians characterized the Eastern Jin (317–420 C.E.) as an era dominated by aristocratic families. Network analysis provides a unique perspective to understanding these families by expanding the scope of research from imperial politics to the aristocrats’ social world. This article reconstructs the aristocratic social network from A New Account of the Tales of the World (Shishuo xinyu 世说新语 ), a collection of anecdotes that provides rich information of the aristocrats’ social interactions in this period, and provides a comprehensive analysis of the network. This article uses network simulation and Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) to describe the structure of this network. It calculates cumulative edge weights to measure the homophily by family affiliation in the network and computes several centrality measures to evaluate the importance of various historical figures. These results demonstrate that homophily by family affiliation exists in this network but it is weak. Although members of the same family are prone to have close ties, social relationships across aristocratic families were also common. In contrast to many existing studies that emphasize the conflicts between aristocratic families, this article argues that there was a notable degree of social cohesion that united the aristocratic families as a status group during the Eastern Jin. This cohesion provides an element of solidity in the turbulent flow of their political fortunes, which was one of the main reasons why these aristocratic families as a privileged status group successfully dominated politics and social life throughout the century of the Eastern Jin.
Keywords: Aristocratic Society; Eastern Jin; A New Account of the Tales of the World (Shishuo xinyu 世说新语 ); Social Network Analysis
致谢:本文使用的数据是由第一作者为此前发表的一篇论文人工收集的数据的修改版。该论文探讨与本文相似的议题:《世说新语》中的社会网络,但关注的方面及使用的方法均与本文迥然不同。参见尚闻一、于子轩:《东晋贵族制社会的稳定机制——〈世说新语〉共词分析》,《图书馆论坛》2019年第1期,第46—57页。该论文启发了本文的撰写,我们为此向于子轩对该论文的重大贡献致谢。我们同时要因Ted Underwood教授、 Jana Diesner教授和Ly Dinh对本文提出的具有洞见的建议,向他们致以谢意。原文信息:W. Shang, Z. Sang,“Solidity in a Turbulent Flow: The Social Network of Aristocratic Families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317–420 C.E.),” Journal of Historical Network Research, vol. 5, no. 1, 2022, https://doi.org/10.25517/jhnr.v5i1.126 (Original work published September 8, 2021)。本文由第一作者翻译,中文出版已获得作者允许。
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[7]中古中国的“贵族制”与中世纪欧洲的“贵族制”有重大不同,尽管二者也有诸多相似性。在本文中,我们沿袭将在东晋一朝享有政治、经济、文化等方面特权的士族称为“门阀贵族”的传统。对于门阀身份的认定以人物父系的谱系为基准。对于帝制时期中国的“贵族制”“门阀贵族”等概念的详细讨论,参见:Nicolas Tackett, The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy, Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2014(中译见谭凯:《中古中国门阀大族的消亡》,胡耀飞、谢宇荣译,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2017年);Patricia Ebrey, The Aristocratic Families of Imperial China: A Case Study of the Po-Ling Ts’ui Family, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978(中译见伊沛霞:《早期中华帝国的贵族家庭:博陵崔氏个案研究》,范兆飞译,上海:上海古籍出版社, 2015年)等著作。
[8]《世说新语》的全文已被译为英文,见Liu I-ch’ing, Shih-shuo Hsin-yü: A New Account of Tales of the World, trans. by Richard B. Mather, Second Edition, Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan, 2002.
[12]Tanigawa Michio, Medieval Chinese Society and the Local “Community”, trans. by Joshua A. Fogel, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985, pp. 100-119.中译见谷川道雄:《中国中世社会与共同体》,马彪译,上海:上海古籍出版社,2013年,第68—81页。
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[39]原英文论文《世说新语》英译引自Liu, Shih-shuo Hsin-yü: A New Account of Tales of the World, p. 183。此处《世说新语》原文引自刘义庆著,刘孝标注,余嘉锡笺疏,周祖谟等整理:《世说新语笺疏·卷中之上·方正第五》,北京:中华书局,2007年,第385页。
[42]Albert-László Barabási, Réka Albert,“Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks,” Science, vol. 286, no.5439, 1999,pp.509-512.
[43]具体算法参见:Blake Stacey,“Preferential Attachment in Python,” June 19, 2007,https://www.sunclipse.org/?p=163。
[44]Paul W. Holland, Samuel Leinhardt,“ An Exponential Family of Probability Distributions for Directed Graphs,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 76, no. 373, 1981, pp. 33-50.
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[47]Fruchterman-Reingold算法是一个力引导布局(Force-directed Layout)的算法,用于绘制由直线作为边的无向图。由于高时间复杂度(O(N²+E)),它只适用于较小的图。我们基于如下考虑选择该算法:(1)本研究考察的社会网络天然适用于该算法,因为它是无向的,且规模较小(包含250个节点);(2)该算法的布局近似于圆形,度数较高(即由较多的边连通)的节点位于中央,从而使得重要的节点在视觉上较为集中,且不会产生清晰的边界。这些特征能够很好地模拟《世说新语》中的贵族社会网络,因为贵族之间的互动较为复杂,并不局限于由清晰的边界分隔开的小团体成员内部的互动。关于对这一算法的详细介绍,参见:Thomas M. J. Fruchterman, Edward M. Reingold,“Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement,” Software: Practice and Experience, vol. 21, no. 11, 1991, pp. 1129-1164。
[48]Guang R. Shi,“ Multivariate Data Analysis in Palaeoecology and Palaeobiogeography—A Review,”Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 105, no. 3-4, 1993, p. 206.
[49]此外,加权的中介中心性和加权的接近中心性的计算假设节点之间的“距离”可以由边的权重的倒数表示(即用1除以边的权重)。然而,这个假设并不适用于本研究考察的网络。由于《世说新语》中的贵族社会网络中的边的权重代表社会关系的强度,其倒数不能被简单地理解为“距离”。关于加权的中介中心性的计算,参见: Ulrik Brandes,“A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality,” Journal of Mathematical Sociology, vol. 25, no. 2, 2001, pp. 163-177;关于加权的接近中心性的计算,参见: M. E. J. Newman, “Scientific Collaboration Networks. II. Shortest Paths, Weighted Networks, and Centrality,” Physics Review E, vol. 64, no. 1, 2001, Article ID: 016132。
[50]Aric A. Hagberg, Daniel A. Schult, Pieter J. Swart,“Exploring Network Structure, Dynamics, and Function Using NetworkX,” eds. Gäel Varoquaux et al., Proceedings of the 7th Python in Science Conference (SciPy 2008), 2008, pp. 11-15, https://conference.scipy.org/proceedings/scipy2008/paper_2.
[51]NetworkX不支持加权的度中心性的计算。因此,我们通过将每个节点所有邻边的权重相加计算加权的度中心性。这一思路与加权的度中心性的常用定义相吻合。关于这一定义的详细介绍,参见T. Opsahl,F. Agneessens, J. Skvoretz,“Node Centrality in Weighted Networks: Generalizing Degree and Shortest Paths,” Social Networks, vol. 32, no. 3, 2010, pp. 245-251.
[53]Grafflin,“The Great Family in Medieval South China,” p. 69.
[54]“主要吴姓士族”包括吴郡的顾、陆、朱、张,和会稽的虞、魏、孔、谢。这一划分来自时人对这些门阀在东晋一朝显赫地位的认可。例如,《世说新语》将“顾、陆、朱、张”列为“吴四姓”,《江西考古录》将“顾、陆、朱、张”列为“吴中四姓”,将“虞、魏、孔、谢”列为“会稽四姓”。见Liu, Shih-shuo Hsin-yü: A New Account of Tales of the World, p. 261(《世说新语》原文见刘义庆:《世说新语笺疏·卷中之下·赏誉第八下》,第582页)和王谟:《江西考古录》卷8《故事·豫章四姓》,光绪十七年重刊本,第371页。在本研究中,由于没有吴郡朱氏的成员出现在社会网络中,“主要吴姓士族”只包含上述八家门阀中的七家。其他所有吴姓门阀都被分入“其他吴姓士族”。“次等侨姓士族”包含在社会网络中有5—7个成员的侨姓门阀:高平郗氏、太原孙氏、陈郡殷氏、陈郡袁氏、泰山羊氏。与之对应,五大门阀加上东晋皇族所属的河内司马氏被分入“头等侨姓士族”,这六家门阀在社会网络中有8—27个成员。不属于上述两类的侨姓门阀都被分入“其他侨姓士族”。
[62]川胜义雄为《世说新语》编纂的历史环境和作者的倾向提供了富有洞见的讨论,参见川胜义雄:《六朝贵族制社会研究》,第238—252页。《世说新语》作者的偏向也在《世说新语》英译本序言中被提及:Richard B. Mather注意到,作者相对于“贵名教者”( adherents of conformity),更推崇“明自然者”( adherents of naturalness)。参见Richard B. Mather,“Introduction: The World of the Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yü,” in Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yü: A New Account of Tales of the World, p. xviii。