Film and Video Analysis in the Digital Humanities – An Interdisciplinary Dialog



Manuel Burghardt , Leipzig University, Germany
Adelheid Heftberger , Bundesarchiv, Germany
Johannes Pause , Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Niels-Oliver Walkowski , Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Matthias Zeppelzauer , St. Pölten University, Austria

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 14 Number 4,

本文介绍了“数字人文与电影研究:动态影像的形态分析”特刊的八篇精彩的文章,分别从基础设施视角、计算视角、媒体视角、综合视角讨论了数字人文中的电影研究。此外,本文也强调了运动图像计算机辅助分析的互补学科观点,这是更好地理解和定位共同 DH 观点的重要先决条件。


Manuel Burghardt 

Manuel Burghardt is Professor for Computational Humanities at the Institute for Computer Science at Leipzig University. He received his PhD in Information Science in 2014, at the University of Regensburg. In his current research, Manuel ist interested in computational film studies and literary studies as well as in optical character recognition and layout detection.

Adelheid Heftberger 

Dr. Adelheid Heftberger is Head of Film Access at the film department of the German Federal Archive (Berlin). She obtained her PhD in Russian studies and a Masters in Comparative Literature from the University of Innsbruck and Vienna. In 2016 she has also completed Library- and Information Sciences at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. She is also a full member of the Cataloging and Documentation Commission of FIAF and active in the Open Science movement.

Johannes Pause

Matthias Zeppelzauer is a senior researcher at the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Vienna University of Technology with highest distinction. His research focuses on multimedia retrieval, audio and video analysis and machine learning in interdisciplinary problem domains.

Niels-Oliver Walkowski 

Niels-Oliver Walkowski is a research scientist for digital literacy and research at the University of Luxembourg. He received his PhD in Literature from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, writing about the impact of digital technologies on scholarly publishing. He wrote several articles about colorimetric analysis of zombie movies and political thrillers and is the project coordinator of Melusina Press, a hybrid, multimodal press for research in Luxembourg.

Matthias Zeppelzauer 

Matthias Zeppelzauer is a senior researcher at the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Vienna University of Technology with highest distinction. His research focuses on multimedia retrieval, audio and video analysis and machine learning in interdisciplinary problem domains.
