Books Aren’t Dead: Resurrecting Audio Technology and Feminist Digital Humanities Approaches to Publication and Authorship


作者:Emily Edwards, Bowling Green State University
Robin Hershkowitz, Bowling Green State University

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number 1,

This article is part of a special issue, AudioVisual Data in DH at DHQ, produced by editors Taylor Arnold, Jasmijn van Gorp, Stefania Scagliola, and Lauren Tilton.



Emily Edwards 

Emily Edwards is a doctoral student in Bowling Green State University’s American Culture Studies Program and serves as co-producer of the Fembot Collective podcast, Books Aren’t Dead. She received her Master’s of Arts from New York University’s Center for European and Mediterranean Studies where she served as the Max Weber Research Assistant. She is concerned with topics of nationalism, race, and digital media and has most recently explored these issues in Germany as a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) visiting researcher at the University of Leipzig’s Department of Sociology.

Robin Hershkowitz 

Robin Hershkowitz is a doctoral student in Bowling Green State University’s American Culture Studies Program and serves as co-producer of the Fembot Collective podcast Books Aren’t Dead. She received her Masters of Arts from Bowling Green State University in Popular Culture. Her dissertation research is about performance rituals in comedy roasts.
