Moving Cinematic History: Filmic Analysis through Performative Research

在本文中,我们论证了动作捕捉驱动的研究的价值,它将视听分析推向表演的方向,将舞者/研究者整合到电影空间中。与通过视听媒体而非书面媒体传播其研究结果的视频从业者的工作一样,本工作通过将实践导向的方法应用于运动图像分析,寻求与Catherine Grant和Brad Haseman所称的“表现性研究”相结合。


Jenny Oyallon-Koloski, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Dora Valkanova, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Michael J. Junokas, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Kayt MacMaster, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Sarah Marks Mininsohn, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

转载来源:Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2021, Volume 15 Number1,

在本文中,我们论证了动作捕捉驱动的研究的价值,它将视听分析推向表演的方向,将舞者/研究者整合到电影空间中。与通过视听媒体而非书面媒体传播其研究结果的视频从业者的工作一样,本工作通过将实践导向的方法应用于运动图像分析,寻求与Catherine Grant和Brad Haseman所称的“表现性研究”相结合。通过对电影和舞蹈形式的物理和虚拟的体现,我们试图更好地理解舞蹈融入电影空间的形式含义,以及影响电影制作人叙事和风格选择的物质条件。运动可视化工具(Movement Visualization Tool, mv Tool)是一种虚拟的研究环境,可以对多个agent的运动产生实时反馈。可达性运动捕捉技术呈现出移动主体的抽象骨架,使用基于颜色和历史轨迹的过滤器提供空间中运动路径的信息。该工具还可以复制移动框架美学,允许构建的移动和虚拟构建的相机参与表演对话。我们使用mv工具和录像方法来重现和传播两个案例:来自拉班/巴尔特涅夫运动研究的动作尺度和来自叙事电影的舞蹈序列。我们不是从现有的视听内容出发,而是假设,重新创造动作短语的行为导致了对舞蹈编排的更深层次的理解,在电影例子中,是对导致它们创造的正式实践的理解。


Jenny Oyallon-Koloski 

Jenny Oyallon-Koloski is an Assistant Professor of Media and Cinema Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) through the Laban/Bartenieff Institute for Movement Studies. She co-directs the movement visualization lab with Michael J. Junokas. Her current book project explores the storytelling power of figure movement and dance in French and American film musicals.

Dora Valkanova 

Dora Valkanova is a Lecturer at the Department of Media and Cinema Studies at the University of Illinois. Her main research foci are history of U.S. Cold War cinema, contemporary U.S. Independent cinema, and film festivals.

Michael J. Junokas

 Michael has a PhD in Informatics from the University of Illinois and is currently a researcher in Media and Cinema Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developing innovative, multi-platform systems that have the ability to gather, interpret, process, and control signals in live artistic performance. His research has been published in ICLS, NARST, JCAL, ACM C&C, ICMC, and ISEA, and has been used to inaugurate the Illinois Digital Ecologies and Learning Laboratory. His artistic and musical work have been exhibited at a variety of venues including McGill’s Transplanted Roots: Percussion Research Symposium, Illinois Wesleyan’s New Music Series, Illinois State’s New Sound Series, the School of the Art Institute’s Sullivan Galleries, and Experimental Sound Studio’s Outer Ear Series.

Kayt MacMaster 

Kayt MacMaster is a dance artist, performance maker, and writer. She has spent the last decade living and working in New York City. Presently she is an MFA candidate in Dance at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Sarah Marks Mininsohn 

Sarah Marks Mininsohn is a choreographer, writer, and performance artist. She was most recently based in Philadelphia, where she created and presented collaborative performances. She is currently an MFA candidate in Dance at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
